Our Trail at a Glance...

  • Team Format.

  • Entry Fee: $60 per team, per tournament (including Championship).

  • Open to all Student Angler 6th - 12th grade.

  • ​A member, in good standings, of the Student Angler Federation (SAF).

  • A total of 5 Qualifying Tournaments where teams compete for over $12,500.00 in scholarship money and prizes.

  • ​The CTHSTT Winter Classic, an invitation only / No entry fee tournament where teams compete for scholarship money and prizes totaling over $3,500.00.

  • Finishing out the season with the CTHSTT Championship where qualifying teams will compete for more then $10,000.00 in scholarship money and prizes. 

  • Scholarship money and prizes awarded to the 1st - 4th place teams plus the Top Junior Angler Team and a Big Bass award at each tournament, with additional prizes are added for every 10 entries.

  • 3 Gift Cards totaling $90.00 are awarded to 3 randomly selected Boat Captains at each tournament.

  • The top three teams in points at the end of each season have their entry fee for the Championship waived.


Complete set of rules available under the "Tournament Information" link at the top of the page